Statewide Senate
Latest News
As the official voice of the faculty in matters of systemwide concern, the Academic Statewide Senate of the California State University provides the means for the faculty to participate in the collegial form of governance which is based on historic academic traditions as recognized by California law.
Your current Statewide Academic Senators are:
- Thomas J. Norman, Ph.D, 2023-2026 Liaison to Alumni Council, CSSA, CFA, Member System, Budget Advisory CommitteeIntersegmental Committee of Academic Senates of CCC, CSU and UC
- Laura Talamante, Ph.D, 2024-2027 Fiscal & Governmental Affairs (FGA) Committee, Ad Hoc Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (AEDI)
What's Happening at Statewide:
ASCSU Executive Summary of Resolutions
January 16-17, 2025 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3725-24/APEP CSU GE vs. Cal-GETC In CSU Policy
- AS-3723-24/AA/JEDI First-Year Experiences
- AS-3721-24/FA On CSU-Wide Budget Transparency
- AS-3718-24/APEP Financial Aid Processes are Under-Resourced: Need for Support
- AS-3730-25/APEP Addressing Exclusion of the Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers Course(s) from Cal-GETC Standards
November 14- 15, 2024 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3710-24/AA Ensuring Academic Freedom in Systemwide Time, Place, and Manner Policies
- AS-3724-24/AA Student Success Survey for the Year of Engagement
- AS-3712-24/APEP CSU’s Proactive Response to Delays in the FAFSA Process
- AS-3719-24/Exec In Memoriam of Dr. Boris Ricks
- AS-3713-24/JEDI Revision to the Special Rule of Order on the Faculty Trustee Nomination and Selection Criteria and Process
May 16 - 17, 2024 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3679-24/AA/FA Artificial Intelligence: Empowering CSU Faculty Colleagues
- AS-3680-24/APEP Review of Standardized Test Use for Undergraduate Admissions
- AS-3681-24/JEDI/FA Building Racial Equity in CSU International Program
- AS-3688-24/FGA/JEDI Equity Data Regarding Student Enrollment, Cost of Instruction, and CSU Equity in Budget Allocation and Reallocation Plans
- AS-3691-24/FA Continuing Support of Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (RSCA), and Request for Increased RSCA Funding
- AS-3685-24/JEDI/FA Affirming Commitment to Accessibility in All Course- and Instruction-Related Software
- AS-3696-24/AA Support for a Survey of GE Exemptions and Transfer Admission Waivers in Campus Catalogs
- AS-3690-24/FA/JEDI Fortifying and Supporting CSU Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Through Employment by Advancing Their Inclusion and Equity in the CSU.
- AS-3677-24/Exec Academic Senate of the CSU 2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
- AS-3644-23/JEDI/AA/FA Strengthening California's Inclusive, Multicultural Democracy by Eliminating Legislation and Policies that Ban Books and Block Citizens’ Rights and Engagement
- AS-3683-24/JEDI/FA Academic Senate of the CSU Support for Reparations Task Force Report and Plan for African Americans
- AS-3684-24/JEDI/FA Academic Senate of the CSU Commends Pell Grant Eligible B.A. Program at Pelican Bay State Prison
- AS-3694/AA/FA Loss of Confidence in the California State University (CSU) Board of Trustees, Chancellor, and Administration’s Commitment to Consultation on Internal CSU General Education Modification
- AS-3687-24/JEDI/FA ASCSU JEDI Committee Bylaw Revisions
- AS-3695-24/AA Student Intellectual Property and Determination as to the Possible Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Detection Tools in Student Course Assignment Submissions
- AS-3697-24/AA Request for Additional Faculty Membership on the Chancellor’s Office CSU Generative AI Committee
- AS-3698-24/FA/Exec Call for CSU Administration to Engage in Shared Governance in Responses to Student-Led Protests On CSU Campuses
- AS-3672-24/FGA/FA Defining the Position of Legislative Specialist for the Academic Senate of the CSU
- AS-3699-24/JEDI Socially Responsible Investment Strategies
Fall 2023
November 2-3, 2023 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3662-23/EXEC Welcoming California State University Chancellor Dr. Mildred García
- AS-3643-23/AA On California State University General Education and the Tenets of Shared Governance
- AS-3653-23/APEP Necessity of Curriculum Review in Application of Cal-GETC Standards
- AS-3657-23/FA Request for Continued COVID-19 Mitigation on California State University Campuses
- AS-3658/JEDI Call to Action to Advance Black Student Success and Elevate Black Excellence in the California State University
- AS-3659-23/JEDI Condemning Acts of Terrorism, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide Against all People, and Support for California State University Communities and Conversations
September 7-8, 2023 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3638/FA/JEDI In Opposition to California State University Administration Communications Regarding Bargaining
- AS-3639-23/AA Separation and Timing of Title 5 Changes Relating to CSU General Education Breadth and Cal-GETC
- AS-3641-23/FGA ASCSU Position on Tuition Policy Proposal
Spring 2023
May 18-19, 2023 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3596-23/APEP (REV) Endorsing Faculty Collaboration in the Development of the PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Credential
- AS-3608-23/AA (REV) CSU Discipline Council Involvement in California Community College Course Review
- AS-3609-23/FGA (REV) Encouraging Campus Faculty Legislative Liaisons
- AS-3610-23/AA/FA (REV) Renewing the Call for a Working Group in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Higher Education
- AS-3611-23/EX (Rev) ASCSU Academic Senate of the CSU 2023-2024 Meetings
- AS-3612-23/AA (Rev) California’s Future Economic Strength Depends on Investing in Public Graduate Education Today
- AS-3613-23/AA (Rev) On the Process of Identifying and Resolving Issues of Duplication of CSU programs in AB 927 California Community College 4-year Baccalaureate Programs
- AS-3614-23/JEDI/FA (Rev) Solidarity with Immunocompromised, Caregivers, and ASCSU Members with Disabilities
- AS-3615-23/AA (Rev) Approved Unanimously On the Separation of CSU GE Breadth from CalGETC
- AS-3616-23/FA (Rev) Providing Timely and Quality Counseling Within the CSU
- AS-3619-23/FA (Rev) Maintaining Educational Continuity During Emergencies and Disasters
- AS-3621-23/FA/JEDI Auditing the Mercer Faculty Salary Study Findings
- AS-3622-23/AA Endorsing the Recommendations of the General Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) on Upper Division GE and American Institutions
- AS-3623-23/FGA/AA In Support of Joining the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA)
- AS-3624-23/AA ASCSU Position on California Community College Spring 2023 Bachelor’s Degree Program Proposals
- AS-3626-23/JEDI Commendation for CSU Dominguez Hills President Thomas Parham
- AS-3627-23/JEDI/FA/AA Making Full Use of the Common Human Resource System in Recruiting Faculty of Color
March 16-March 17, 2023 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3587-23/APEP (REV) Recommending a Fourth Year of Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning.
- AS-3590-23/AA (Rev)Request for Additional Input for the CSU 2030 Challenges: Faculty Perspectives Project
- AS-3591-23/FGA/AA (Rev)A Call for State Gas/Oil Excess Profit Fee Funding in Support of Public Higher Education
- AS-3592-23/FA (Rev) Compensation for AB 928 Implementation.
- AS-3593-23/EX (Rev)Revision of Special Rule Governing Debate on Substantive Motions
- AS-3594-23/APEP (Rev) Regarding Coursework and Correspondences in Subject Matter Domains for Teaching
- AS-3595-23/FA/FGA (Rev)Equitable Capping of Executive Administrative Raises in the CSU Compared to Other Unit Employee Raises
- AS-3597-23/FA (Rev) Dissemination of Report and Recommendations by the Cozen O'Connor Team Investigating Title IX Practices on CSU campuses
- AS-3598-23/EX (Rev) Appointment of Academic Senate CSU (ASCSU) Seats
- AS-3599-23/APEP (Rev) California State University Authority over Changes to College Preparatory A-G Standards and Guidelines
- AS-3600-23/FA Support and Commendation for University of California Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Workers
- AS-3601-23/AA California State University Authority over Changes to College Preparatory A-G Standards and Guidelines
- AS-3602-23/APEP Recommendation Regarding Advanced Placement Precalculus
- AS-3603-23/FGA/JEDI On AB 506 and Control of the CSU Curriculum
- AS-3605-23/FGA 2023 Legislative Advocacy Positions of the Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU)
- AS-3618-23/AA Condemnation of the California Community College’s Decision to Proceed with a Duplicative Baccalaureate Degree
January 19-20, 2023 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3578-22/JEDI Expansion of California State University (CSU) Independent Professional Doctoral Degree Programs
- AS-3579-22/FGA (REV) Funding Summer Advocacy Work for the Position of Legislative Specialist of the ASCSU
- AS-3580-22/FA (REV) Request for Increased Ventilation and Air Purification Infrastructure Across the CSU System
- AS-3581-22/JEDI/FA (REV) Adopting a Font Designed for Readability for CSU Business
- AS-3582-22/FA/JEDI (REV) Solidarity with Iranian University Communities Protesting Violent Repression in Response to the "Woman, Life, Freedom" Movement
- AS-3583-22/EX (REV) In Support of Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Compliance in the CSU
- AS-3584-22/FA (REV) Establishing Timely Responses to Campus Resolutions and Policies
- As-3585-22/JEDI/FA/FGA (REV) CSU Faculty and Staff Justice Equity and Diversity Housing Assistance Program
- AS-3586/JEDI/FA (REV) Systemic Inclusion of Preferred Names and Pronouns within the CSU System
Fall 2022
November 3 - 4, 2022 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3567-22/FGA (REV) Clarifying AB927 in the Event of an Intersegmental Impasse
- AS-3568-22/FA (REV) The Role of Faculty in Protecting Fair Faculty Workload in the CSU
- AS-3569/APEP (REV) On the ICAS Cal-GETC Proposal: Action
- AS-3570-22/FA (REV) Requesting Extension of WSUCU Authorization of Remote Teaching to Spring 2023
- AS-3571-22/APEP (REV) Engaging Intersegmental Discussions Regarding College Preparatory Coursework in Mathematics (Area C)
- AS-3572/FA/JEDI (REV) Proclaiming the Personhood and Rights of Women
- AS-3573/AA (REV) To Adopt Gender Inclusive-Language and Titles the CSU
Spring 2022
May 19-20, 2022 - Approved Resolutions
- AS-3528-22/AA (REV) CSU 2030 Challenges: Faculty Perspectives
- AS-3533-22/FA (REV) Cultural Taxation, Issues, and Faculty Input
- AS-3534-22/EX (REV) Promoting Victim and Survivor Advocacy in the CSU Title IX Practice
- AS-3535-22/APEP (REV) Defining the "Singular Lower-Division General Education (GE) Pathway"
- AS-3536-22/FA (REV) Establishment of Ombudsperson Positions at Every CSU Campus
- AS-3537-22/EX (REV) Academic Senate of the CSU 2022-2023 Meetings
- AS-3538-22/APEP (REV) Towards Developing Common Understandings for the Content Areas of the California Lower Division General Education Transfer Pathway (AB928)
- AS-3540-22/EX (REV) Requirements for Shared Governance Process to Support Systemwide California Statue University (CSU) Naming
- AS-3541-22 APEP (REV) Increased Support for C-ID Course Review
- AS-3542/FA (REV) Loss of Confidence in the Board of Trustees' and the CSU Administration's Handling of the Hiring and Separation Procedures for CSU Administrators
- AS-3545-22/FA (REV) Existing Faculty and Staff Mental Health Concerns Exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic
- AS-3546-22/APEP/AA (REV) On Reconciliation of the CSU and UC Ethnic Studies Competencies
- AS-3547-22/FA (REV) Renaming Buildings and Removing Symbols that Memorialize White Supremacy
- AS-3549-22/FA/FGA/AEDI (REV) Change in Bylaws to Establish a Standing Committee to Advance Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Within the ASCSU
- AS-3550/FA (REV) Chancellor and President Search Process in the CSU System: Announcement of Finalists and Campus Visits
- AS-3551-22/FA (REV) Establishing an Interruption Practice for the ASCSU
Academic Senate CSU
About the Senate
The Academic Senate of the California State University consists of fifty-three faculty members elected by their colleagues at the twenty-three individual universities comprising the California State University system. The Academic Senate, founded in 1963, advances the principles of academic freedom and freedom of inquiry promotes academic excellence in the CSU; recommends policies to the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor on systemwide academic, professional, and academic personnel matters; and serves as the official voice of the faculties of The California State University in matters of systemwide concern. The Academic Senate is the primary consultative body on the academic implications of systemwide fiscal decisions.
The Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, led by the Senate Chair, organizes the activities of the Academic Senate and is principally responsible for representing the Academic Senate in its dealings with many groups, including the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor and Chancellor's Office staff, the California State Student Association, the CSU Alumni Council, statewide policymakers, and the public. With offices at the CSU Headquarters in Long Beach, the Academic Senate operates throughout the year as an agency of CSU faculty governance. Plenary sessions are held at the Chancellor’s Office preceding each meeting of the CSU Board of Trustees from September through May.
The Academic Senate recommends nominees to the Governor for the Faculty Trustee member serving on the CSU Board of Trustees.
The Constitution and Bylaws are the guiding documents of the Academic Senate. The principles and policy document, originally known as the Blue Book and last revised in 1999, is a compilation of significant documents and policies across the history of the Academic Senate. Since the establishment of the Academic Senate in 1963, it has been chaired by faculty from across the system.
In addition to the aforementioned documents, senators are encouraged to consult the orientation, guidelines for members and officers, and parliamentary procedures documents.